
What's sewing?

So. For a blog that's called "Bake. Sew. Craft." there's a whole lot of baking been going on here in the past month, but not much of...well, anything else. Sorry. It's not because I haven't done anything else. I've been quite a busy bee actually. I've made three skirts, a dress and a blouse in the past few weeks and I'm halfway finished with the next skirt. And I have about half a dozen more projects planned.

BUT. The weather's been horrible for the past few weeks (today has been the first really sunny day in forever), so I couldn't take any pictures with the clothes on outside and I don't really have the space in my apartment (or a dress form). Plus, I just realized that my tripod apparently went rogue during my move. 14 months ago. (Yes. I don't use it very often.) So I need someone to take the pictures of me. Which takes planning and good weather. Anyway. What I'm trying to say is: lots of sewing projects to show, just be a little more patient with me. I hope to get some pictures this weekend. But here's a little peek at least!

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And I'm actually really excited about the projects I have planned. Last Saturday we went to the fabric market and I stocked up on lots of pretty fabrics (okay admittedly, completely different fabrics than I had planned on - but pretty nonetheless!). I'm planning to sew a Marielle Skirt out of the dark blue fabric at the bottom, a Peony dress out of the turquoise fabric in the middle, some...pretty dress I haven't quite decided on yet on the shiny violet-blue fabric (that changes color depending on the light - so pretty!)... and more. But I'm big on plans and not so big on the follow-through, so let's see how much of that will actually happen.

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And I might have bitten off a little more than I can chew with my current skirt project. This is the only fabric I bought on Saturday that I got without a specific project in mind. Saw it, fell in love, bought it.

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And realized quickly I wanted to make a pencil skirt out of it. Yeah. That was my first bad idea. As soon as I started I realized the fabric was way too thin and lightweight to ever hold its shape. And considering I'm a true pear with thighs so wide they make my hips look small, I absolutely cannot wear anything that doesn't keep its shape once it's past my thighs. So I thought: I'll just sew a layer of medium-weight cotton to it. Second bad idea. I mean, it holds its shape, and it doesn't look horrible or anything, but the seams are really thick (which isn't surprising considering they hold four layers). In hindsight, I should've just sewn two separate skirts and then attached them at the waist and not all over. But too late for that now.

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And actually, the real problems only started when I was halfway finished. I think I sat three hours in front of the half-finished thing last night just staring at it and I still have no idea how to insert the zipper, hem it or finish off the waist. So I stopped before I did anything stupid and ruined the pretty, pretty fabric. Let's hope I'll have an epiphany sometime this week so I can finally finish it.

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